Friday, June 12, 2009

Reflection (from return flight)


On the plane coming to Japan, I wrote five major goals in my journal:

"1) Enhance my faith and fire for Jewish practice.
2) Sharpen my teaching ability and touch and better the knowledge of those I teach.
3) Walk with the highest of morals, sincerity and kindness.
4) Embrace Japanese culture through the study of an art.
5) Better posture, eating habits, driving speed and awareness."

As I look now, through His Help and experiences with people and places of a wide range of character, I see that they were nearly all accomplished.

I sit now, confident that I am stronger than I have ever been. There were many trials, mistakes and setbacks (My body is now feeling the effects of this. May He heal it quickly.), but there were also moments of grace and glory.

Through it all, I look at my self and see that I have changed in character, heart and habit.

The Japanese taught me grace and humility and the Israelis emboldened my will. Where my heart used to seek the edge and the exploration of the external, now I desire to settle and explore within. Also, habits of eating, cleanliness and prayer have changed for the better.

As I look ahead, much is to change. I seek to pioneer a new world, and will undoubtedly be faced with my hardest challenges to date.

I will complete this testament with the concluding words of the Adon Olam prayer: "the Lord is with me, I shall not fear."

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